counseling & wellness center llc

                                               THERAPY FOR MEN

If you are reading this, it may be because you have tried everything else (or avoided considering that there may be a better way to live your best life).  Many men have experienced being taught that emotions and sensitivity are for the weak.  Then these same men find themselves in situations or relationships in which emotions and sensitivity is what is being asked of them. 

Does your partner ask often for you to show you care; to understand their emotions?  Do you find yourself wanting to connect but either don’t know where to start or you’re afraid of what you’ll look like (how you’ll be received)?  Does the word feelings make you want to run, shut down or just fake it until it’s over?  You’re not alone.  The first step to change is to just acknowledge that the current status is not working and that you want to explore other possibilities for yourself or your relationship. 

Do you have past experiences that have created just a handful of strong emotions; anger, mistrust, self-disdain?  Maybe you learned that you aren’t good enough, you don’t measure up, you’ll never meet the high standards set by others, society or yourself.  You shut down the pain of broken relationships, feelings of failure or loss of loved ones.  You find yourself engaging in behaviors that are unhealthy or at the very least, discouraging. 

You may find that you just don’t love yourself.  You look in the mirror but don’t see a man of courage, accomplishment, credibility, integrity, strength etc. You want a do over but have no idea where to start. You feel the effects of emotions that weigh you down but don’t know how to redefine your life to make the emotions not only heal but take on a new life coming from freedom; freedom from guilt, shame and negative beliefs from the past and present.

Everything that you are good at takes time, as will understanding how emotions work and what to do with them.  Although emotions are not everything, they are a part of every person and can either be engaged with in a healthy or unhealthy way.  This is up to you.  I can help you explore what makes sense for you and offer you a judgement free environment in which you can create your best life and make the next chapter in your life built on a foundation of wholeness, restoration and strength.  

If you would like to begin this journey, then your next step is the most important.  It will come only from you.  If you are ready, then I am here to walk with you.  

Finding Your Path
